2015-10-18 Boardmeeting

  • Date: 18 October 2015
  • Time: 14:00
  • Venue: Place de Londres
  • Present: Stefano, Geert, Romaine, M0tty, DerekvG
  • Excused: Alberto, Lionel, Maarten
  • Members:

The meeting is open for members.


General Assembly

  • Determine date range for the General Assembly: January 30, 23, or 16 (in order of preference). We need to look for a venue.
  • Our members will be invited via e-mail
  • Board responsibilities: who wants to run for board? Actually it is only a President that needs to be elected; the other board members have still 1 year to go...

How can we better collaborate?


We propose to have an dedicated board meeting on the 8th or 14th of November. Derek aks why we do not use Google for non-profit. We do require private shared storage for agenda and documents.

Tasks to be done

  • Antoine is conducting a project on Wikisource @Paul Otlet museum.
  • Organisation of wikimeeting / wiki saturdays: considered to be a good idea; could be combined with a board meeting.
  • Collaboration with "mind the Gendergap" @Belgium
  • Preparation of Wikiducation: schools in Kortrijk, Tunrhout, Mechelen; several activities are being planned presentations to teaching staff and students, setup of wikibased course projects, off-wiki activities such as wiki-cafés/editathons, visit to library (sho pupils how to use an UDC ).
  • Illustrating Wikipedia; could go with a photography course in Wikiducation, and a brochure about how to handle multimedia in Wikipedia.
  • Recrutement and training of additional OFFWIKI volunteers
  • Appointment of one /or more GLAM project manager(s); taks: Define project, Budget estimates & resources, Planning, Engaging partners, Finance, Collaboration agreements.
  • Potential GLAM projects: Univ. Bibliotheek Gent, Plantijn-Moretus, Felixarchief Antwerpen, Mode museum, Koninklijk Kunstmuseum. Romaine reported GLAM projects at Rijksmuseum, Univ. bibliotheek Utrecht, Univ Maastricht.
  • Wiki loves Parliaments (Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium?)

Project Reporting


SOIMA 2015

  • Italy/UAE/Tunisia project (Stefano)
  • Thank you from ICCROM

Financial report


Derek to add more details

Project funding

--DerekvG (talk) 20:39, 13 October 2015 (UTC) proposes to freeze the 2015-s2 budget and put only SOIMA , 1 board meetign and 1 Genral assembly on the budget and the start of the website[reply]
and everything else goes to the 2016-s1 budget
because it being oktober 15th we cannot realise anything during the coming 8 weeks
handled by MADe and Derek
so we start planning for 2016 ... please consult and edit Preparation_Budget/Grant_2016_S1


  • Open Belgium (OKFN) -> presentations must be submitted before 15 November (here)
  • OpenCon These people asked for our support but are not willing to allow attendees; This is a murky organisation- un transparent- with a chaotically organised event, and they asked us to support them , let them ask WMF - S Frisco and if WMF wants us to help it will be expences based ( we will invoice them for our travel expences and peopletime)
  • Wikisource Vienna 20-22 november (Derek intended to go but cannot attend due to professional obligations)
  • Budapest Derek invited but the was conference cancelled
  • Erasmusprijs NL 25th of November
  • Conferences in 2016
  • May 2016 Berlin
  • June 2016 Wikimania Italy

Candidates to attend these conferences should be notify Maarten and Derek before 1st of December 2015.


  • Registering in Transparency Register EU: there should be a handover from Dimi to Romaine?
  • Declarations to sign:
  1. Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities - http://openaccess.mpg.de/Berlin-Declaration - signed by WMF and multiple chapters, and in November 2014 already 4 board votes by mail for it
  2. Lyon Declaration; On Access to Information and Development - http://www.lyondeclaration.org/ - signed by WMF and multiple chapters



Romaine presented the new brochures "Collaborating with Wikippedia", and "CC-licenses"

Derek reported that the moderator problems are still unsolved.

Romaine to share the survey results link.