Reports/2015/Report of the 2nd semester

statusretracted - not funded not approved
WM BE/Budget 2015 S2
This is a 6 month grant application for the activities of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter. It includes the first steps in the goal of our association Engaging people in free knowledge by organising the General Assembly and the first Project Days.
targetWikimedia Belgium impacts wiki communities mainly in Dutch, French, German and English; and the communities of smaller Belgian dialects.
strategic priorityIncrease participation
start dateJuly 15
start year2015
end dateDecember 31
end year2015
budget (local currency)3875 underspent from Budget 2015 H1
budget (USD)USD
grant typeGroup
non-profit statusYes



Wikimedia Belgium was set up end of last year. It is based on this presentation given to the board, and was approved by the board on Dec 31, 2014. It is based on the SWOT analysis of our organization performed with our members.

This is an application for the activities of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter in the coming six months (January-June). It includes

  • Part #1 - outreach efforts to our community (General Assembly, website);
  • Part #2 - the first steps in organizing projects (Project Days, provisioning for the first small projects); and
  • Part #3 - capacity building of the board (regular board meetings, attendance at WM related conferences).

Planned and executed




WMBE Capacity building activities

Planned Activity Executed activites Date Link/Comment
Organisation of meetings with our stakeholders: Board Meetings 23 July Brussels (notules)
18 October - notules
14 November 2015- wikimeet in Antwerpen}
5 December 2015 - notules (photos)
WM related conferences SOIMA Brussels 2015 * 2-4 September - SOIMA 2015 conference with Wikimedia booth, WMBE sponsored conference, announcement collaboration with KIK-IRPA and start Wiki Loves Art
WMNL/WMBE Erasmus prijs celebrations * 23-28 November 2015 - Amsterdam studiedag Wikipedia] - Prijsuitreiking Erasmusprijs Amsterdam - and - Conferentie Wikimedia Nederland, Utrecht (NL)

Outreach Agenda



Wikimania 2015
  • 15-19 July - Wikimania Mexico (Romaine)
  • 23 July - Board meeting (7th) at MADe, Brussels (notules)






  • 18 October - Board meeting (8th) at Place de Londres, Brussels (notules)
  • 25 October 2015 - Inauguration d'une digithèque libre consacrée aux ouvrages de Philippe Roberts-Jones, Musée des Beaux-Arts.
  • 27 October 2015 - Le Livre sur le Livre, présentation de Wikisource, dans le cadre de la Quinzaine du numérique, Mons.
  • 28 October - Meeting of project Flemish art collections, Wikidata and Linked Open Data in Brussels (Sandra Fauconnier, Romaine, Barbara (Packed vzw))
  • 28 October 2015 - Hoe schrijf ik artikels voor Wikipedia? (informatie), Vorming+, Brugge




André Sterling during the inauguration of his digithèque.



Target public


Wikimedia Belgium impacts wiki communities mainly in Dutch, French, German and English; and the communities of smaller Belgian dialects.

More specifically, WM BE wants to reach out to

  • the existing Wikiproject volunteers, contributors, illustrators
  • GLAM organisations, GLAM institutions and GLAM-support organisations
  • Education institutions
  • existing open knowledge organisations in Belgium ('Communication efforts')
  • off-wiki volunteers (to strengthen the Micro Grant Program).

Fit with strategy


Resources and risks




The grant request is supported by the Wikimedia Belgium board.

Project Volunteers

Project Volunteers to be invited Art+Feminism organisers :


Risk Comment Measures to Avoid Measures to Address Expected outcome
Early stage of our organisation (see abc) A lack of experience - Train board members and Volunteers on the job Media Communication training at WM NL
a)Communication / communication breakdowns mediation after comm breakdown setup email, mailing list, collaborative project page Example
b)Trust building mediation after breakdown not only electronic communication, face to face meetings and experience sharing Example
c)Peer Review - no single person projects, always a revieuwer Example
lack of procedures & resistance towards procedural approach and limitations Apply procedures as imposed by BE-authorities, WMF Define procedures precisely and in writing,
implement top down and not by consensus
It will take 3-5 years to have a more or less complete set of operational & reporting procedure; 2 more to have a workable procedure guide
troll-attack Cannot be avoided Have troll blocked by stewards / deny attention, resist te urge to defend the KOL.Z. case
Lack of external funding WMF-funding requests Contribution in kind form partners (work performed, grant requests from authorities Engage cooperation form WMNL, WMDE, WMFR or WMUK
Grants from WMF
As we get more established in the collaboration with our GLAM partners we can discuss more openly their resource commitments, and funding through their grant/subsidy channels
Difficulties finding volunteers Volunteers might have their own projects with a funding issue;
staffing problems : experience, commitment, volunteer burn out;
unwelcomming attitude at wikipedia
Example Wikipedia training, Wikiducation;
Volunteer PDI(personal development initiative) : On wiki volunteer training (admin, conflict handling, arbcom, stewarts), Off wiki volunteer training (Wikipedia Train-the-trainer, Wikipedia Ambassador program), Wikiductaion Educator training program
Accomodation finding good venues for meetings & events. Suitable location : close to public transport, pref'y in Brussels, price (free = illusion). Example Example Example
Distance Belgium = 300 km across; geographical distribution of members/volunteers makes transport an issue Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines. Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Reallocation funds table


Rounded to nearest 5€

Activity Underspend from budget allocated 2015 H1 Total budget spend 2015 S2 Comments breakdown
outreach efforts to our community (Part #1)
1.1 Setup website € 1,070.00 € 75.00 Hosting costs. Currently we used a free template and website engine.
Subtotal part#1 : € 1,070.00 € 75.00
Projects and Micro Grant program (Part #2)
2.1 Provisioning projects (6x under 150€, 1x under 1500€) € 2,160.00 € 15.00 Three small projects were funded (see overview).
Subtotals part #2 : € 2,160.00 € 15.00
Capacity building of the board (Part #3)
3.1 GLAM : Participation in SOIMA € 0.00 € 2,790.00 Projected participation cost in budget 2015 S2 2500.00€.
3.2 Attendance at meetings of Dutch WM (Erasmusprijs, Wikizaterdagen) € 900.00 € 500.00 Travel costs
3.3 Wikimeets and board-meetings € 855.00 € 685.00 750€ underspend from project days and 155€ underspend for board meetings .
3.4 Attending Conference € 0.00 € 35.00
Subtotal aprt #3 : € 1,755.00 € 4010.00
Other overspend reported in 2015 h1 (source) € -1,110.00
1.2 General admin € 0.00 € 125.00 general admin expences omitted from budget in H1
Totals : € 3,875.00 € 4,225.00

Amount be carried forward from WMBE Grant-request Budget 2015 H1

3875 €

Additional sources of revenue


Previous report Report_of_1st_semester Next report Report of the 3rd semester